
Showing posts from August, 2023

The Fall Cup: Introduction / Index

Scroll down for an index of posts.. Welcome to this trawl through / evaluation of the back catalogue of one of the most special and unusual groups of the last 40-odd years. Let's get a few things out of the way up front, shall we... Firstly: Ranking or scoring pieces of music is, of course, ultimately a reductive and pointless pursuit; the notion that there's a 'best' Fall song is ridiculous, especially given the expansive and diverse range of material that the group released over 40ish years. But that doesn't mean that we can't have a lot of (hopefully) thought-provoking fun attempting this ludicrous task. Secondly: This is (kind of) in response to a recent Twitter poll organised by Iain Crawford ( @icrawford17 ) which resulted in a narrow victory for 'The Classical'. Iain specialises in running polls for a variety of different artists and isn't (or at least wasn't) a committed Fall fan. He did an absolutely sterling job though, especially give...