The Fall Cup: Stage 1, Groups 11-12
Group 11 Dktr Faustus, Backdrop, The Usher, Kicker Conspiracy, Leave the Capitol, Symbol of Mordgan, Feeling Numb/Numb At The Lodge, It’s The New Thing, Hot Aftershave Bop, The Book of Lies, Live at the Witch Trials, Contraflow, Hey! Luciani, Cab It Up!, Bonkers in Phoenix The Fallen ' Symbol Of Mordgan ' (despite being a candidate for 'Most Fall-like Song Title') was the latest entry on the growing list of 'throwaway/filler/p*ss-take tracks that were clearly destined for an early exit'. A recording of Peel and Scanlon discussing football might have made for an acceptable 30 second interlude, but three minutes? Even Eric couldn't find it within himself to give it any points. 'Live At The Wich Trials' received quite a bit of support in the Twitter poll I mentioned in the introduction , presumably from people who didn't really know what they were voting for. It only managed a solitary point here (bzfgt: 'there's something affecting a...