The Fall Cup: The Final, pt 3
And so, after six months, 51 posts and thousands of words, we finally reach the end of the road and announce the winner of this Fall Cup... But before we get to the final result, a few thanks: - To those on the Facebook groups Mighty Fall and It's Not Repetition... who liked and commented (often incredulously!) - Similarly, to those who did likewise on Twitter, especially Paul Garratt , who reliably gave his verdict on pretty much every tie. - To the good folk on the Fall Online Forum, who contributed over 1300 posts to the 'Fall Cup' thread and never hesitated to express their views in their inimitably frank way! - And finally, of course, to Eric, bzfgt, Richard and Lewis, whose thoughtful, entertaining and perceptive commentary made this both an enjoyable read and a pleasure to run. Thanks for your good company guys. Right, on with the results... Scores after the second round : 25 Winter 22 Dr Bucks' Letter 20 New Pur...