The Fall Cup: The Final, pt 2


Scores after the first round:

13 Dr Bucks' Letter
11 Winter
 9 New Puritan
 7 Last Commands Of Xyralothep Via M.E.S.

Round 2

New Puritan v Dr Bucks' Letter

Steve: 1-3 
DBL was always going to be my winner here, but NP is more than good enough to give me a little pause for thought - so by the criteria set out in the last post, it has to be a 3-1 result.

Eric: 1-3       
I'm temperamentally more of a "Year-Zero Nazi" than a "Look-Back Bore," so in the cases where one of the older cuts meets one of the new cuts, right here, right now, I'm going to favor the latter. In looking at these compositions and how they were presented, there's no good studio version of "New Puritan," and I've never heard a great live version of "Dr Bucks," so they're not quite the complete across-the-spectrum complete deals for me. But still, "Bucks" in its best form is a better song than "Puritan" in its, though "Puritan" would win if this were the Fall Lyrics Cup. (Get on that, Steve).

bzfgt: 4-0

Richard: 1-3
Puritan loses again, which seems harsh, but that's the last 4 for you. I guess I pretty much am incapable of voting against the term "vulgar and arrogant abeyance".

Lewis: 4-0

Winter v Last Commands Of Xyralothep Via M.E.S.

Steve: 4-0
It's a solidly good track, but I'm afraid 'Last Commands' simply doesn't stand up to the others in this final for me.

Eric: 1-3
In the "Bucks" vs "Commands" tie, I slightly favored "Commands," but not enough to move it off a 2-2 outcome. In this one, I slightly more favor "Commands," and by enough to move it to a 3-1 edge. Again, it comes down to "Commands" being tight, tight, tight, leaving me wanting more, while "Winter" is long, long, long, and requires a mid-song break. These are such great songs that it really does come down to minor nits like that me in parsing the pairs.

bzfgt: 4-0

Richard: 3-1
One thing I won't do it let any of these tracks take a 4-0 defeat, they're all so good. So, whilst I am confident that Winter takes this match, Commands gets a point for its gnat-buzz insistence, if for nothing else.

Lewis: 2-2

Scores after the second round:

25 Winter
22 Dr Bucks' Letter
20 New Puritan
13 Last Commands Of Xyralothep Via M.E.S.


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